

Julian Simon Rejects Glenn Loury’s Redistribution Theory for Children
RealClearMarkets.com, July 12, 2024

“Repeal Biden’s entire destructive climate change program”
Washington Examiner, July 9, 2024

“The Phillips Curve’s Record”
The Wall Street Journal, July 2, 2024

Co-author with John Fund, “The Green Left Lies Used to Justify Authoritarian Climate Regulation”
National Review, June 9, 2024

Co-author with John Fund, “Try as They Might, They Can’t Hide the Truth: Pro-Palestinian mobs are aiding those who want to destroy Israel.”
National Review, May 12, 2024

Cited in “People really hate full employment and declining income inequality, the only ostensible benefits of ‘Bidenomics’”
Washington Examiner, January 18, 2024

The Anti-Phillips Curve Chart: No Relationship between Inflation and Unemployment
National Review Capital Matters, January 16, 2024

Quoted by Stephen Moore in “Growth doesn’t cause inflation — but the Fed won’t push to curb government spending that does”, New York Post, December 18, 2023 and in “The Tyranny of the Phillips Curve”, New York Sun, December 19, 2023

Supporting Palestinian Authority Governance In Gaza Would Be A Deadly Mistake
The Federalist, October 25, 2023

Comments at the September 28, 2023 Competitive Enterprise Institute Julian L. Simon Memorial Award Dinner
MasterResource.org, October 2, 2023

Co-author with John Fund, Biden Says ‘In Practice’ He’s Declared a National Climate Emergency
National Review, August 13, 2023

Palestinian Poll Shows Biden Admin’s ‘Two-State Solution’ Policy Will Never Achieve Peace
American Liberty News, July 12, 2023

Co-author with John Fund, The Biden Administration Is Wrong on Trans Women Competing in Sports
National Review, April 16, 2023

Biden’s Laughable Spin on the Trump Tax Cuts
National Review Capital Matters, February 24, 2023

Stop Appeasing Biden and the Other Climate Authoritarians
American Liberty News, February 11, 2023

Co-author with John Fund, Medicare for All Would Worsen Our Existing Health-Care Problems
National Review, January 29, 2023

Paul Ehrlich and the Dark Side of Tucker Carlson
American Liberty News, January 25, 2023

Supporting the Palestinian Cause Means Supporting Another Century of Killing Jews
American Liberty News, December 23, 2022

My Grade School Act of Dissent Against the Left
Cagle.com, December 8, 2022

To End Climate Lunacy, Stop Treating Warming & C02 Hysterically
RealClearMarkets.com, December 6, 2022

Walter Russell Mead Eviscerates the Myth of the Omnipotent ‘Israel Lobby’
American Liberty News, December 1, 2022

Who Are the Real Climate Science Deniers?
Cagle.com, October 28, 2022

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Is Old Time ‘Global Warming’ Religion
RealClearMarkets.com, September 2, 2022

A President Mike Pence Would Support More Immigration. Here’s Why
RealClearMarkets.com, July 13, 2022

Biden’s Virtue-Signaling: The Costs of Climate Policy
MasterResource.Org, June 13, 2022

Economists and Their Unfounded Claims About Global Warming
RealClearMarkets.com, May 25, 2022

The Political Right Took Down My Article About Tucker Carlson’s Socialist Views and Support for Antisemites
Substack, May 17, 2022

Do Tucker Carlson’s Socialist Views Explain His Support for Anti Semites?
American Institute for Economic Research, April 22, 2022

Here’s How Gas Prices Could Come Down Fast
The American Spectator, April 17, 2022

Beware of All the Hype About Second Booster Shots
RealClearMarkets.com, March 31, 2022

Climate change is not an ‘existential threat’
Washington Examiner, March 14, 2022

The Allegedly Wise Close Eyes to Facts About Global Warming
RealClearMarkets.com, March 4, 2022

Results From a Century-Long Experiment Eviscerate the Case for Climate Change Mandates
The American Spectator, February 3, 2022

Reject the Left’s Alarmism and Embrace the Benefits of ‘Global Warming’
RealClearMarkets.com, January 20, 2022

Pete Buttigieg Is Wrong: Regulations to Stop Global Warming Kill People
The American Spectator, October 19, 2021

America Needs More Employment-Based Immigrants
RealClearMarkets.com, September 29, 2021

My Biracial Nieces and Nephews Demonstrate the Bankruptcy of Woke Racial Preferences
The American Spectator, September 14, 2021

A Case for Abolishing the International Monetary Fund
RealClearMarkets.com, September 3, 2021

Empire of Pain: The Sacklers, OxyContin, and Two Unstated Questions
The American Spectator, September 1, 2021

Samuelson Friedman: A Joint Biography Marred by Misleading and Unfounded Attacks
The American Spectator, August 16, 2021

Flirting With Tyrants: An Olympic Problem
The American Spectator, August 4, 2021

Economic Lessons From the Failed War On Drugs
RealClearMarkets.com, July 28, 2021

Six Facts the Left Doesn’t Want You To Know About Global Warming
RealClearMarkets.com, July 12, 2021

Co-author with Stephen Moore, The Population Bomb Doomsday Scam
The American Spectator, June 28, 2021

Co-author with Stephen Moore, Immigrants do not steal our jobs, they create them in the economy
TheHill.com, March 30, 2021

Joe Biden’s Global Warming Emotion Is Not Supported By Facts
RealClearMarkets.com, March 30, 2021

First Amendment Rights May Be Most Important, But Not Because They’re First
RealClearMarkets.com, February 11, 2021

Falling CO2 Emissions Expose ‘Global Warming’ Alarmism As Anti-Science
RealClearMarkets.com, January 15, 2021

Sen. Chris Coons Wants Twitter to Hide Reality of ‘Global Warming’
RealClearMarkets.com, November 24, 2020

Amazon Thoroughly Wrecks Narrative About Lockdowns Being Necessary
RealClearMarkets.com, October 6, 2020

Let’s Be Serious, More C02 Isn’t Making the Earth ‘Uninhabitable’
RealClearMarkets.com, August 17, 2020

This Jew Stands With John Kass Against Anti-Semitic Hit
RealClearPolitics.com, August 16, 2020

Thomas Sowell Happily Removes Color From the Success Equation
RealClearMarkets.com, July 28, 2020

The Crucial Question That Requires Asking: Is There a Climate Problem?
RealClearMarkets.com, June 18, 2020

Voluntary Wearing of Mask Could Smooth a Quick Re-Opening
RealClearMarkets.com, April 20, 2020

The Wall Street Journal Hits a Gusher of Oil Market Nonsense
RealClearMarkets.com, April 4, 2020

Wall Street Journal Editorial Runs From Its Free-Market Principles
RealClearMarkets.com, April 2, 2020

Paul Krugman Is a Global Warming Alarmist. Don’t Be Like Him
RealClearMarkets.com, January 16, 2020

The Depleted Medicare Part A Trust Fund Is An Opportunity, But Not for Government
RealClearMarkets.com, September 19, 2019

Is $201 Less Income Growth Each Year a Global Warming Catastrophe?
RealClearMarkets.com, September 4, 2019

Slash the cost of college with two-year bachelor’s programs
Washington Examiner, August 5, 2019

The Pledge Every Politician Should Be Asked to Make: No New Entitlements
RealClearMarkets.com, July 5, 2019

A Warmer Earth Saves Lives, and Makes the World More Prosperous
RealClearMarkets.com, June 4, 2019

The Socialist Overtones That Underlie Anti-Semitism
RealClearMarkets.com, May 21, 2019

Conservatives Should Follow Buckley’s Example in the Fight Against Anti-Semitism
RealClearReligion.org, March 22, 2019

Not Too Big to Fail: Break Up the Catholic Church
RealClearReligion.org, March 6, 2019

A 70 Percent Tax Rate Would in Some Ways Favor the Rich
RealClearMarkets.com, February 6, 2019

Big Rise in Interracial Marriage Since “I Have a Dream” Speech
HumanProgress.org, February 5, 2019

Economic Data Are Clear: Phillips Curve Points in the Wrong Direction
RealClearMarkets, February 1, 2019

Wealth Managers: A Plague on Investors
Conservative Intelligence Briefing, November 27, 2018

Two Under the Radar Triumphs for American Society
Conservative Intelligence Briefing, August 6, 2018

Forget racial preferences — here’s a better way to increase diversity in college admissions
Washington Examiner, June 15, 2018

Illegal Immigration Crises Harm Efforts to Increase Legal Immigration
Conservative Intelligence Briefing, May 29, 2018

The Myth of Catastrophic Global Warming Consensus
Conservative Intelligence Briefing, May 14, 2018

Diversity Programs: Elite Discrimination Against “Over Represented” Jews and Asian Americans
Conservative Intelligence Briefing, May 3, 2018

Legalize the health insurance dream team: Allow catastrophic plans paired with Health Savings Accounts
Washington Examiner, March 30, 2018

Tucker Carlson’s and Laura Ingraham’s simple (and wrong) immigration economics
Washington Examiner, December 6, 2017

Why The U.S. Should Support Kurdish Independence
Forbes.com, September 27, 2017

End NCAA cheating and corruption: Just pay student athletes
Washington Examiner, August 28, 2017

Congress should lift limits on buying catastrophic health coverage
Washington Examiner, July 5, 2017

Abolish property tax exemptions for rich nonprofits
Chicago Tribune, June 27, 2017

Important Objective Measures Show That The Iraq War Was A Success
Forbes.com, June 2, 2017

Even If Carbon Taxes Could Reduce Global Warming, They Would Hurt The Planet
The Federalist, April 19, 2017

Why private universities should — like the rest of us — pay property taxes
Chicago Tribune, April 5, 2017

Julian Simon Would Tell Us: America Needs More Immigrants
Reason.com, March 21, 2017

Co-Authored with Julian L. Simon

Public Ownership Versus Private Enterprise: State Liquor Distribution Systems Revisited, Economics Against the Grain, Vol. 1, 1999

The Effects of Regulations on State Liquor Prices, Empirica, 23:303-316, 1996

Legal Issues Publications

Supreme Court Holds State Statutes of Repose Not Pre-empted by CERCLA, Environmental Litigation and Toxic Torts Committee Newsletter, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and ResourcesSeptember 2014

Does McReynolds Provide a Path to Class Certification in ERISA Cases?, Law.com, co-author with Brent R. Austin, July 25, 2012

Do Advertising Injury Insurance Policies Cover Antitrust Actions? The Exchange, Insurance and Financial Services DevelopmentsAmerican Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, Spring 2012

Pragmatism v. Principle: Loss Causation and Basic, Law360, June 1, 2011

Increasing Scrutiny of Gov’t Contingency Fee Deals, Law360co-author with Brent R. Austin, November 2, 2010

Obtain the Illinois Credit Agreements Act’s Broad Protection Against Lender Liability Claims: Choose Illinois Law for Your Financing Agreements, Illinois Venture Capital Association website, March 2010

Contacting Class Members—Before and After Class Certification: The ABA’s View, Product Liability Law & Strategy, co-author with Brent R. Austin and Nancy F. Afrasiabi, April 2008

The Best Defense Against Lender Liability Claims, The Secured Lender, co-author with Richard P. Glovka, May 1998

Prior Owner of Contaminated Panel Escapes CERCLA Liability, Illinois Environmental Law Letter, May 1, 1995
Property Purchasers’ Claims Against Sellers for Leaking USTs Are Limited, Illinois Environmental Law Letter, February 1995

The Ignored Effect: Taxes and the Calculation of Commercial Damages, Business Lawyer Update, Vol. 12, No. 1, co-author with H. Roderic Heard and Mark W. Haller, September 1, 1991

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